There’s a server in my pocket!

I’m not a psychopath, I’m just very creative.
(c) Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

Taking part in competitions like “eurobot”, where you have to do some coding in extreme conditions, on/under a table, on the floor, etc. and a few other trips like that convinced me that I should definitely make something more of my cell phone. Something, that will help me out in this case.

So, we have:

  • A dumb brick called ‘HD7 Pro’ from china, with android 2.3.5. One and a half years old.
  • /dev/brains
  • A few hours of free time

What we want to get:

  • A portable server with lighttpd, ssh, git, etc
  • WiFi AP with local dns, internet tethering (if we’re not roaming!)



Simple things that look complex: ping from android

Coding for a mobile platform has always been a frustrating experience ever since J2ME. Right now I really hope, that Jolla Mobile will succeed and roll their thingie to the market, since both iOS and android are smoking crap. But for now – I choose droid as a lesser evil.
So, a few days ago I needed to ping the internets from my app, to check if the connection is live. It’s been less than a week since a friend told me of all the ‘fun’ he had with SCNetworkCheckReachabilityByName on iOS for that purpose.


NetTTS 0.2 released!

Finally found a little bit of time, and here we go. NetTTS 0.2 release with most bugs I knew of fixed, maybe some new added.
For those who aren’t familiar – NetTTS is my app for android that allows you to use android’s TTS engines remotely with primitive tools like netcat or telnet around.