Finally found a little bit of time, and here we go. NetTTS 0.2 release with most bugs I knew of fixed, maybe some new added.
For those who aren’t familiar – NetTTS is my app for android that allows you to use android’s TTS engines remotely with primitive tools like netcat or telnet around.
So, the changelog:
- Authorisation via authtag. If authtag is not empty – the first line should be teh authorisation tag, and then the message
- Save&restart now really restarts the server were it already running
- Killing the server produces no more junk regarding ‘leaked service connection info’ to logcat
- You can now switch languages in runtime just sending /setlang ru_RU or /setlang en_US commands (any other installed locale will do)
- If the queue is jammed with over 9k messages you can now send /shutup to clear the mess, and do not wait for the speaking to finish
- Packages name changed from org.necromant.nettts to org.ncrmnt.nettts ftgj!
Grab a copy at my github, sources are there as well.
WARNING: Authorisation sequence provides little to no sequrity and can only save you from a geeky smaller brother/sister, who wants to temper with your stuff. And not for long, since if they are really geeky, they’ll sooner or later find out, how tcpdump works. I don’t wat to add any full-blown auth mechanism, since it is not nesessary right now.
And as a last bonus – a full-blown example of usiang it via bash:
#!/bin/bash server=glesia port=8080 authtag="" #Don't edit below [ ! -z "$authtag" ] && authtaggy="${authtag}\n" say() { echo -e "${authtaggy}$*" | nc $server $port } #flushes the queue, synths anything following the command shutup() { echo -e "${authtaggy}/shutup $*" | nc $server $port } setlang() { echo -e "${authtaggy}/setlang $1" | nc $server $port } #Sample usage setlang "en_US" say "Hello, dude! Should I arm the nuke, and call bears with balalaikas and vodka?" say "You probably won't hear this phrase" shutup "Okay, being silent for now." setlang "ru_RU" say "Привет, Исден!" |